Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Can it be spring? ...or is the Weatherman a Meanie?

Lulled by 70 degrees...slapped by 42 with a windchill of 25...do all weathermen participate in the chaos theory? Or is Minnesota one of Dante's level of Hell? Oh....don't answer that. I am just partaking of that greatest of Minnesota's traditions...weather griping. I'm feeling dissatisfied and antsy...and I'm blaming the weather. If I wasn't 30 years out of school...I'd say it was the end-of-the-year blues. Hurry, hurry, hurry...slow down, slow down. When will the bell ring? When does camp start? What do you mean summer school?

I can't put my finger on it...but there is something in my soul that is repeatedly saying "What are you doing, Toto?" "Is this what is meant to be?" I have such a frustration with work...I'm doing what I love...but not for the right person. My simmering point has just about had enough...I have great value as a person and as a valued employee. But that's one of the problems...my boss doesn't value me...actually she doesn't value too many people unless there is some "reward" for her to do so. Either money or connections are green currency in the cash register of her soul. Thrill.

I have re-invented my self for her...becoming who I am not comfortable being. Taking my nature...pushing it down to conform. Grrrrrrrr. I challenge myself happily in my profession...I see that growth as part of my journey. But her vision is false and discomfitting...and never do I meet with her approval. She surrounds herself in falsity...giving away her true opinions in myriad of non-verbals...nail biting, flashing cold eyes, fake trilling laughs, crossed arms and haughty head tilts. She prides herself as being a natural mimic...always mean and sarcastic in her choice of mimicry.

Well I guess I can put my finger on it. But now the grown-up decision...what to do about it?